Field Test #1: Stinky Socks & High Culture Kombucha

Liquid Poetry

First off, I want to thank High Culture brewing for making one of the best tasting ‘buchas I’ve had in a while. They are a local small craft kombucha brewery based out of Vermont. The jasmine pear was unreal, and the blackberry hibiscus absolutely knocked my taste buds’ socks off. Look out for some future opportunities with the club to snag some of your own or find them at local stores like City Market

New Stinky Socks!

Prepare to have your socks knocked off, and then prepare to get some way sicker ones from Stinky Socks. Set yourself apart from all the basic ass socks with some of the coolest sock designs out there. A totally real and not made up study found that Stinky Socks help you catch more air and stomp more landings… scientists are dumbfounded. I bought myself some Too Hard x Stinky Socks, some Shrum snowboard socks, and a pack of white socks. They are so god damn comfortable and everyone should get themselves a pair.

UVM Ski & Snowboard Club